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Rebecca Eanes

Rebecca Eanes is the bestselling author of multiple books including Positive Parenting: An Essential Guide, The Positive Parenting Workbook, and The Gift of a Happy Mother. She is the grateful mom of two boys. 


Articles by Rebecca

The Return On Emotional Deposits

In order to build a rock-solid relationship with your child that can weather the storms of life, focus on making lots of daily deposits that build trust and show love.

3 Toddler Myths We Should Stop Believing

Parenting toddlers is a joyous and challenging experience.

The Calming Magic of Hugs and Being Your Child’s Safe Place

“I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words.” - Ann Hood

The Importance of Boundaries with Kids and How to Set Them

Remember, while boundaries can be tricky, and holding them in the face of a screaming child requires great emotional maturity, as parents, this is how we be the calm captain that steers our children in the right direction with loving authority.

When Motherhood Brings Rage

Mom rage is a difficult subject to talk about, but rest assured you are not alone. If you can find the courage to open up and ask for help, I feel confident you will find the support you need.

Reframing the Naughty List

Santa Claus doesn’t understand child development.

The Emotional Toll of Holiday Magic

Ah, the holidays - when exhaustion, worry, and anxiety run just beneath all that Christmas cheer.

5 Gifts Your Child Needs That Cannot Be Wrapped

5 Ways to Handle Defiance

We need to understand what causes defiance and disruptive behaviors so that we can heal it at its source.

Beyond “Thank you”

Gratitude is hot in November.

Five Ways to Support Teen’s Brain Development

Teens often act before they think and don’t stop to consider the consequences. This isn’t defiance or naughtiness - it’s development.

20 Pandemic-Safe Fall Activities for Kids

While this pandemic certainly changes our traditions and routines, there are still plenty of ways to have fun with our kids this fall.

Stress-Busting Tips for Work-At-Home Parents

Overall there are a few universal tips that will help you as you navigate the many tasks which are laid before you each day.

I Like You, Not Just Your Squares

Our children see the world in pictures, and none of the pictures are real.

4 Ways to Support Kids Post-Pandemic

As we move into this next phase, and our children head back to school, camps, clubs, and sports, here are 4 ways we can support them.

How to Get Your Teen to Open Up According to Science

While it may seem like a simple solution, parents don’t necessarily use these positive listening skills when their teens want to discuss a situation or ask for something.

The Transition to Life with Big Kids

“Many mothers aren’t aware that the big separation from offspring, the one that really hurts, doesn’t occur when children leave the nest, but when they psychologically pull away from their mothers. This is a time of psychological metamorphosis for both mother and child.”

7 Time Management Tips for Overwhelmed Moms

If I can learn to embrace these 7 time management skills, anyone can! Slow down for a second and check out these tips that are guaranteed to make your life a little less crazy.

Helping Children Face Sadness

We are much more comfortable when our children are happy, and so we try our best to keep them that way. However, when we move them along out of their sadness too quickly, we actually can do more harm than good according to author and parent educator, Bridgett Miller.

A Closer-to-Normal Summer

“This summer is going to seem so much closer to normal than we've had in a very long time.”

Making Sense of Your Strong-Willed Child’s Behavior

Strong-willed children have many wonderful qualities. They are fierce, determined, courageous, and spirited. At the same time, parenting a strong-willed child can lead to many power struggles.
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