Parent Clicks

Parenting: Self-Renewal for Moms

by Rebecca Eanes

The longer I travel on this parenting journey, the more I understand the importance of self-renewal to keep myself on task toward the vision I have for my family. As a new mom, I felt guilt if I took time for myself, as though I was putting my needs ahead of my children's needs, but now I understand that my needs are important, too, and that our entire family is better off if I don't neglect myself.

Having time for self-renewal is easier now that my children are older and sleeping in their own beds, but any parent can carve out time to renew yourself. It only takes a few minutes a day, and that makes a huge difference in how you feel and act.

Shh! Quiet

If you have young children, incorporating a daily “quiet time” into your routine can be a sanity-saver. If they will nap, great, but if not, provide books or quiet activities and tell them they may either nap or play (or read if they are able) until the timer goes off.

Start with 10 or 15 minutes and gradually increase quiet time to at least 30 minutes per day. Use that 30 minutes to read, have a cup of tea, call a friend or whatever fills your soul.

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