Take a tour
If the school has a “Meet the Teacher” night, take advantage of this time to show the child the classroom, become familiar with the surroundings, and introduce them to the teacher. This will allow the child to feel more comfortable in their surroundings on the first day.
Encourage friendships
When a child recognizes a friendly face in the classroom, it can make them feel much more at ease. Encourage your child to meet other children in the neighborhood that will be in the same class. Host a play date or a class picnic for the kids.
Discuss with teacher
If anxiety persists after the first few days of school, contact the teacher and share your concerns. She may have some suggestions on how to deal with student’s anxiety and will be aware of the situation. Often times, a teacher who knows a child is dealing with anxiety will give them extra support in the classroom.
Reward for bravery
The first day of school can be a stressful time, reward your child for their bravery with a small toy, a special dessert, or a trip to their favorite park. It takes a lot of courage to try something new and it should be recognized.