Genuine authority is a result of others trusting your leadership. That is true whether you are running a company or a household. Contrived authority results when others follow your lead out of fear. Both get results, but the question is how does it make people feel, both about you and, more importantly, about themselves? Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper wisely said, “You manage things; you lead people.” Have you ever gotten caught in the trap of trying to manage your children? I certainly have. That’s where I was seven years ago, and the frustration that came from the constant managing and the growing power struggles that developed is what lead me to positive parenting.
Unbeknownst to me, the discipline techniques I was using with my children in those early years was actually sabotaging my influence with them, making power struggles a daily frustration, discipline much harder, and damaging our relationship. I have since learned how to discipline without punishment, which I promise is not permissive in any way but puts the focus on having my kids understand and correct their wrongs rather than sitting in a corner somewhere, which places the responsibility of reparation on them. It takes a lot of time and effort, but the payoff has certainly been worth it.
Here are three common discipline techniques that I used years ago which actually sabotaged my authority and the reasons they didn’t work.