Parent Clicks

Why I’ll Let My Child Indulge This Halloween

by Michelle Dempsey M.S., CPRW

When I think back to my adolescent days, growing up in a cozy suburban neighborhood where any and all holidays were celebrated with gusto – I am immediately brought back to Halloween.

Halloween, without a doubt, is the center of all things important when a small child thinks about the fall season – and I intend to keep this a running theme now that I have a child of my own.

My elementary school days existed in a time before the internet became available to everyone – meaning far less white noise about the dangers of sugar and overindulging. My mother, however, provided all the noise that the internet lacked, in the most loving way possible. She always leaned towards the healthier side when it came to eating – cutting all sweets and treats from our regular routine at all times. We were even sent to school with “snacks” from the health food store, and drinking nut-based milks instead of regular milk at the school lunch table.

But then Halloween would roll around, and for just a blip of time, my mother would turn a blind eye to the health and wellness routine she was adamant about following; as a family, we’d indulge in all things Halloween. From picking out costumes, to decorating our front yard, to marching in our town’s Halloween parade – Halloween became a season in itself – with weeks of anticipation and weeks of yummy treats following the main event.

Having grown up to follow a routine of (mostly) clean eating in my adult life, and remaining fearful of deviating from that process thanks to our over-saturated computer screens and scare-tactic marketing, I have made it a point to follow in my mother’s footsteps when it comes to raising my daughter. We buy organic fruits and vegetables, stay away from processed foods, and spend a lot of time outdoors.

But now that Halloween is approaching, and my toddler is as fun-loving and spirited as I was – I’m throwing caution to the wind and allowing my daughter (and myself!) to indulge this Halloween season.


Because Halloween brings a joy and excitement not only fueled by goodies.

Whether it’s the popcorn in those little festive baggies, the candy I’d never give my daughter at any other time of year, or the Target Halloween decorations that make my heart skip a beat – I’m letting my daughter partake in all of the fun. We’ve already begun scouting out costumes, grabbed hold of the pumpkins in the dollar bin, and are starting to pile up the decorations for this year’s festivities.

Because experiencing joy through your child’s eyes makes life worth living.

And the joy on your child’s face, brought on by marching up to stranger’s doorsteps and asking for candy your mother doesn’t usually let you eat, is worth every bad day and road bump on this road called life.

Because they’re only little once.

And one day they’re not going to be as excited about celebrating holidays like this. And one day, Halloween costumes will be “for babies.” And really, how can we deprive them of a time we looked forward to with so much anticipation as children, years before red and yellow dye became public enemy number one?

Trust me moms, the sugar rush will be frightening. The thought of, “Did I just poison my child?” might run through my head once or twice. But the fun is the foundation that all of life’s greatest memories are built on. For that, I’m letting my child indulge this Halloween season.

A writer, entrepreneur, radio host, and powerful motivational speaker – Michelle Dempsey, owner and founder of Michelle Dempsey, Very Well-Written, has one goal in mind: empowering women from all walks of life with her incredible personal life story of overcoming adversity and using the lessons learned to achieve success. Internationally published and known for her ability to connect with readers on a deeper level, Michelle has successfully united her passion for business and writing and developed a thriving career, offering writing and editing services, business coaching, branding expertise, and content marketing to business of all kinds.

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