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Deborah Song

Deborah Song


Articles by Deborah

Speak Your Child’s Love Language and Communicate Love More Effectively

Speaking your child’s love language can change the dynamic of not only your relationship with your child but the chemistry of the entire family.

Why Overpraise Sets Our Kids Up For Failure Not Success

Research has shown that how you praise your children has powerful repercussions on their development.

10 Things Parents of Confident Children Know to be True

Confidence is not so much about what you feel, as it is about learned behavior from life experiences and perspectives.

10 Ways to Spend Quality Time With Your Kids This Holiday Season

What kids really need isn’t more toys, more treats, or more entertainment. They just need our undivided attention.

10 Simple Ways to Teach STEM at Home

Introducing STEM at an early age is critical for developing long-term interest in STEM subjects.

Why Nice is an Overlooked Trait and How to Raise the Kind of Nice Kids that Finish First

In this culture where prestige and accomplishment are praised, traditional qualities that were once valued, like how nice someone is, have taken a back seat. If anything, “nice” is often seen as a deterrent to winning or getting what you want.

The Best Thing You Can Do For Your Child is be the Person You Want Him to Be. Here’s Why.

When it comes to parenting, it’s not enough to tell our children to be different from us, to live more productive, enriching, fulfilling lives, while we live out very different ones.

5 Healthy Habits You Want to Continue in the Summer to Make School Transition a Breeze

Here are five healthy habits and practices to continue in the summer that will help your child create a seamless transition into the school year, as well as provide a smooth wave to ride out for the remainder of the summer.

7 Safe Sunscreens for Your Child and the Environment

So we’ve decided to do the hard work for you by choosing 7 of the best tear-free kid-friendly sunscreens on the market to suit each of your child’s needs.

8 Exquisite Benefits of Travel for Kids

Your kids may not appreciate the star rating of a lavish hotel, or that they encountered an endangered species but travel forms perspectives, habits and dispositions. Here are at least seven exquisite benefits of travel for kids.

Why Guilt Is a Necessary Emotion for Guiding Moral Behavior

But there is a healthy kind of guilt, research shows, that promotes introspection and social cooperation, which is very different from shaming someone.

8 Simple Explanations to Help Motivate Better Behavior

Just because something makes sense in the mind of a grownup, doesn’t mean it’s self-explanatory or obvious to a child. Here are 8 explanations to seemingly common sense requests.

5 Ways Kids Can Help Save Our Planet by Becoming Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

Since a good leader is usually self-motivated, you may need to educate your child on the effects that saving water, conserving energy or recycling can have on our planet.

How to Raise a Strong-Willed Child Without Breaking Her Spirit

Raising a strong-willed child? It may not be easy but let’s face it, she’s the one you don’t have to worry about when you’re not there to protect her. Strong-willed children come with built-in features that are often difficult to teach like tenacity, grit, independence and the ability to withstand peer pressure. Research shows strong-willed children grow up to make some of the best entrepreneurs, innovators and leaders because of the very quality that makes it difficult to parent them: they disrupt and challenge the norm.

How to Turn Your Child’s Challenges into Opportunities

Every child has challenges. By and large, however, how that child perceives and deals with those challenges will be influenced by how his parents perceive and deal with those challenges.

Could Your Child’s Reading Difficulty Actually Be Dyslexia? How to Get Evaluated and Find Help

Dyslexia is learning disability in reading. Kids with dyslexia might find it challenging to read accurately and fluently. But they could also have trouble with reading comprehension, spelling and math word problems. It’s important to understand that dyslexia is not an intellectual issue. Many of the world’s most accomplished people, like Albert Einstein, have been known to have dyslexia. While the inherent cause of dyslexia is not known, it seems to be genetically linked. About 40 percent of siblings with dyslexia have the same reading issues. And as many as 49 percent of parents who have kids with dyslexia have it too.

How to Plan a Special Date with your Child on Valentine’s Day

Make this Valentine’s Day memorable for your child by planning a special date with her. It really doesn’t matter what you do, so long as you turn off your phone (or at least put on silent) and spend some quality time with her. Whether you take your child to a park, a movie, or treat her to a favorite meal, here are five ways to create a great parent-child date and show your child that not only do you love her, but that you like her too, something that gets lost on our constantly corrected kids.

How to Discipline Your Child Without Criticism

Discipline and criticism often happen together but their effects couldn’t be more different. Discipline is necessary in steering a child in the right direction, criticism discourages, distracts and often steers kids in the opposite intended direction.

Start the New Year by Instilling these Good Habits in Your Child

The good habits you instill now, have the potential to change your child’s life. Here are 10 simple, yet impactful habits you can instill in your child this year.

5 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Give Your Child What He Needs Most

The number one need us humans have is to feel important. It’s why we wear the latest trends, drive nice cars and why we talk about our brilliant children. It’s why we work so hard to succeed and it’s also the motive, unfortunately, behind some of the worst crimes. Everyone needs to feel important.

Sugar-Free Holiday Classroom Gift Ideas That Are Sweet

Stay ahead of the holiday rush this season by checking off your child’s holiday classroom gifts with these fun, festive and sugar-free ideas. We’ve culled six of our favorite picks for their ease of executing as well as for their sweet side.
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